
Rodents are common pests that live in rural, urban, and suburban areas. They are wild animals, but over time, some species have decided to take advantage of the food, water, and shelter people and our structures provide them. Though there are more than 1,500 different species of rodents living worldwide, all rodents – no matter the species – have front incisors that continuously grow. Some of the most common species living in our area are mice, Norway rats, and roof rats.
To prevent their front incisors from overgrowing, rodents chew on almost anything they come across. Rodents cause a lot of damage in our homes by chewing through wires, pipes, ducts, drywall, and other structures. They also damage personal items like clothing, shoes, furniture, pictures, and books. Rats and mice do not hibernate, and remain active year-round. While they have the potential to move inside at any point in the year, they often move inside when the weather cools in the late fall, seeking warmer living conditions and easy access to food. Common indoor nesting spots for rodents include behind large appliances, underneath of furniture, in boxes, in basements, in crawlspaces, and behind wall voids. They will also invade garages and nest inside of things like vehicles and lawnmowers.
Rodent prevention tips: Prevent their easy access to food by keeping tight-fitting lids on trashcans and compost bins, picking-up uneaten pet food, and maintaining garden areas. Limit hiding spots on your property by cleaning up fallen trees, logs, excess woodpiles, and keeping the grass cut short. Keep rodents out of your home by sealing spaces in the foundation, exterior walls, and roofline. Place a tight-fitting cap on chimneys and mesh covers over vents and drains leading into your home. Keep garage and shed doors closed when not in use and keep storage areas free of clutter. Limit sources of water by eliminating standing water and by fixing leaky pipes and fixtures.