Spider Be Gone: A Guide To Keeping Spiders Out Your St. Louis Home

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Most spiders in the St. Louia area are nothing more than a nuisance. However, there are a couple of species that have venom considered to be toxic to humans. Whether you have a dangerous venomous spider in your home or one of the many harmless arachnids roaming through your property, you shouldn't ignore any spider you see in your house.

At Arenz Pest Management Solutions, we have provided customized spider removal solutions to St. Louis residents for over 20 years. Keep reading to learn what you should do if you see an uptick in spiders around your home.

Spider Behavior: How They Hunt, Feed, And Mate

While spiders might be scary, they are also fascinating and entertaining to watch from a safe distance. Most spiders have their own unique preferences when it comes to eating, hunting, and mating. For example, some spiders prefer to trap their prey in their webs, while others would rather stalk and hunt down their meals. 

No matter how they choose to catch their meals, they all use the same basic methods when it comes to eating. After a spider has caught its prey, it will puncture the bug's skin with its sharp fangs and inject it with venom to get it to stop moving. Then, the spider will inject digestive fluids used to liquefy the bug's inside and essentially allow the spider to drink its prey's internal organs. 

The mating rituals will vary from species to species as well. Some male spiders will release pheromones to get the female's attention and hopefully mate with her. Some types of spiders will actually eat their male companion after they mate. Once the female spider has found a mate, she can lay anywhere from 50 to over 1,000 eggs at one time. In order to prevent thousands of baby spiders from taking over your home, we recommend you contact a spider exterminator near you when you first spot a spider in your home. 

Symptoms Of Spider Bites: What To Expect And How To Treat

Spiders are not usually aggressive towards large animals or humans. Because spiders cannot eat large animals, they will not benefit from biting a person. However, if the spider feels threatened, it may bite you. Most of the time, a spider bite might make a red mark on your skin that can swell slightly, but all symptoms should go away on their own.

However, some spiders in this area do have venom that is toxic to humans and can cause fever, muscle spasms, trouble breathing, and other serious symptoms that require medical attention. To be on the safe side, if you see any spider in your home, you should try your best to get away from it and contact a spider exterminator as soon as possible. 

Preventing Spiders In The House: Practical Tips And Tricks

Spiders will come into your home to look for food or water. Our spider removal experts have noticed that spiders are more likely to stay in your home if there are plenty of places to hide. Some of the things that you can do to prevent a spider infestation in your home include include:

  • Remove clutter from your home.
  • Stack firewood as far from your house as possible.
  • Address any other insect or pest infestation.

Another effective way to keep spiders out of your home is to team up with a professional spider control service. 

Professional Pest Control: A Great Spider Control Solution

Arenz Pest Management Solutions can help you keep your home spider-free all year. If you are looking for customized home pest control in St. Louis, Missouri, give us a call today.

Tags: spider identification | spider prevention | spiders in st louis |

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