Squashing the Infestation: Effective Cockroach Control in St. Louis

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When is it a bad time to try to deal with cockroaches? Never. If these pests are crawling around inside your home, you need to stop them ASAP. The question is, what is the best way to combat these local insects? We are going to answer this question today.

First, consider the benefits of professional cockroach removal and control. Call our team at Arenz Pest Management Solutions, Inc. if you think these bugs are inside your home or if you are looking for reliable options to keep them out year-round. Keep reading to discover more about the cockroaches in St. Louis and discover some maintenance tips to keep these pests out of your living areas.

Locating And Addressing Cockroach Hiding Spots In St. Louis

If there is one thing that cockroaches in St. Louis love more than a cozy home, it is a cozy home with places to hide. Now, roaches are not like other pests. They like places where their back and belly can touch a surface at the same time.

One place these bugs love to hide is under appliances. This is because appliances often host grease and moisture behind and underneath them. Roaches love grease and moisture. They also like seclusion. You might find these bugs hiding around your basement and crawlspaces for this reason. If you would like help with cockroach identification inside your home, let us know. We offer fast and effective identification services to help homeowners like you assess their risk. 

Health Hazards Unveiled: The Dangers Of Cockroach Infestations

Living with an active cockroach infestation is not good for your health. These bugs are nature’s trash can. This means they eat things that might harm other living creatures, like fecal droppings, rotting meat, and decaying vegetation. As helpful as this is for our environment, this behavior does not bode well for your health. Because roaches live in nasty areas and eat dirty things, they are often teeming with bacteria and other disease-causing organisms. They spread these sickness vectors throughout homes when they look for food at night.

Roaches also cause asthma attacks and other respiratory problems with their shed skin and dry droppings. To help you stay safe, we are here if you need help removing these pests from your home.

Optimal Solutions: Professional Cockroach Control

The most optimal option to control different types of cockroaches in St. Louis involves hiring a home pest control professional. Our team at Arenz Pest Management Solutions, Inc. works hard to make sure our control methods stand out above our competition.

Our main goal is to find guaranteed solutions to help them find freedom from all sorts of problematic pests. If you think roaches are inside your home or you are looking for a long-term option to keep them out, we have what you need here. Reach out to our team for more details. 

Maintaining Cockroach-Free Environments Inside Your Home

Once you are certain cockroaches are not inside your home, a great next step is to implement some prevention strategies. Here are a few methods that you might start with.

  • Address damage to your home’s exterior, like gaps, holes, and cracks in its foundation.
  • Make sure all of your windows and doors are working properly and that they are well-sealed.
  • Clean your living areas frequently and do your best to eliminate areas of clutter.
  • Store food inside air-tight containers.
  • Invest in a pest-proof trash can for your home.

Reach out to our dedicated staff at Arenz Pest Management Solutions, Inc. to learn more about our cockroach control in St. Louis or to make an appointment for your home and property.

Tags: cockroaches | cockroach control | cockroach prevention |

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