Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite: The Effective Control Solution For Your St. Louis Home

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bed bug on furniture

It’s a phrase that many parents put their child to bed with — ”Don’t let the bed bugs bite!” It’s meant in good humor, but it can be a nightmare to manage bed bug control once an infestation begins. St. Louis pest control services are the surest way to keep bed bugs out of your home, and our guide below will help you learn how to detect bed bugs, call for help, and prevent a reinfestation.

Bed Bug Detection: How To Spot And Confirm An Infestation

Bed bugs are adept at hiding, and this is one of the reasons why they can be challenging to detect and eliminate. Want to learn how to check for bed bugs? Here are a few tips to spot and confirm an infestation:

  • Insect inspection: Look for live bed bugs, nymphs (young bed bugs), or their eggs. They are reddish-brown and oval-shaped, and adults are about the size of an apple seed.
  • Bites and skin reactions: Bed bugs feed on human blood, leaving itchy, red bites in clusters or rows on exposed skin. Not everyone reacts to bed bug bites, so this may not always be a reliable indicator.
  • Rusty spots: Check for tiny dark spots or stains on your bedding, mattresses, or furniture. These could be bed bug droppings or bloodstains from crushed bugs.
  • Musty scent: Bed bugs emit a distinct, sweet, musty odor.
  • Shed skins: As bed bugs grow, they shed their exoskeletons. Look for translucent bed bug shells or casings near hiding spots, such as crevices, mattress seams, or furniture joints.
  • Hiding spots: Inspect common hiding places, including mattress seams, box springs, headboards, bed frames, furniture cracks, and baseboards.

Bed bugs prefer dark and secluded environments. They tend to hide in places with easy access to their hosts, so they are never far from a blood meal.

Bed Bug Infestation Dangers: Physical And Mental Health Risks

A bed bug infestation can have physical dangers and mental health risks for individuals affected by it. Here are some of the potential impacts:

  • Skin irritations and allergic reactions, including itching, redness, and swelling or more serious symptoms
  • Secondary infections due to scratching the bite, allowing bacteria to enter the open wound
  • Sleep disturbances from being bitten or the fear of being bitten 
  • Anxiety and stress due to being bitten, constantly itching, and worry about the infestation
  • Social isolation stemming from embarrassment about the infestation, since individuals may avoid inviting others over

Seeking professional help from pest control experts and reaching out to healthcare professionals or counselors can assist in alleviating these associated risks and difficulties.

Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite: Contact The Pros Right Away

Making the most of professional pest control expertise ensures thorough treatment, addressing not only visible infestations but also hidden ones, reducing the chances of reinfestation. DIY bed bug treatments don’t get into the nooks and crannies of your carpet or inside your walls and furniture. Some over-the-counter repellents can also pose health concerns for those who are sensitive.

Long-Term Bed Bug Prevention: Tips To Prevent Reinfestation

After treatment, additional care taken at home can stop bed bugs from coming back. To prevent a bed bug reinfestation, follow these natural pest control for bed bugs tips:

  • Thoroughly clean and vacuum all living areas, paying attention to areas where bed bugs could hide, such as mattresses, furniture, baseboards, and cracks. Dispose of the vacuum bag or clean the canister outside to prevent reinfestation.
  • Encase mattresses and box springs in bed bug-proof covers to create a barrier that prevents bed bugs from infesting these areas. Make sure the covers are labeled specifically for bed bug protection.
  • Arrange a follow-up inspection schedule with a pest control provider.

Bed bugs aren’t occasional invader bugs. Early detection is crucial in preventing a full-blown infestation, so stay alert for any signs of bed bugs, such as bites, stains, or shed skins. If you suspect an infestation, promptly seek professional help to eradicate these pests from your home—bed bug control techniques for your home are best for preventing infestations only.

Reach out today to our St. Louis pest control technicians at APM for effective, long-term bed bug treatment solutions. Our business is veteran-owned, and quality protection, dependable pest control, and peace of mind are at the top of our priority list.

Tags: bed bug control | bed bug infestation | bed bug elimination |

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